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My Money Drawing incense has been created from a base incense in which I have added herbs that have the spiritual properties to them that will attract wealth, abundance, and prosperity to you. Burn this incense while performing working for money or burn to bring these vibrations into your home. This incense is self-lighting, meaning that you do not have to have a charcoal disc to burn it. Place in a heat safe dish or container and light it with a match or lighter. It can be burned on a charcoal disc if you choose.


 An old proven method of using incense is to burn along with your condition candle (Money Drawing, Come to Me etc. 7-day candle) or a plain white candle, tea light or whatever you have, or you do not have to use a candle. Place the incense on or in a heat safe container and light you candle then light the incense. Just put enough in the container to form a small mound. Take a lighter and light the incense. While it is burning, recite Psalms 23 or any verse suited for you condition if you work with Bible Verses. Psalms 23 can be used for anything, or you can simply state intent or whatever works for you. Do this every day until the candle burns out. 



Do not leave incense burning unsupervised.  Please use a heat resistant container or surface for safety. 


~I make no guarantees and products are sold as a curio only~

Money Drawing Incense

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