A lot of us are still here and thriving because of our Grandmother's prayers. I know I am. From the prayers she prayed over you to keeping your hair in her bible, the prayers of our Grandmother's were and are very powerful. This oil has been blended with that in mind to create a shield of protection around you and your loved ones. The oil is a deep blue whereas blue symbolizes protection.
To charge this oil for you and your loved ones, take a strand of hair from the top of the head and toe nail clippings from each foot and add into the oil. This is so that you are protected from head to toe. You can add yours and your loved ones to the oil. Then once you apply it, you are protected. This oil can be applied to your feet to protect your steps, your front door to protect your home and who comes in it or thru it, to your car to protect you while you are driving etc. Can be used along with my Grandmother's Prayers Protection Candle.
Great Protection verses:
- Psalms 91
- Psalms 23:4
- Psalms 140
- Psalm 121
- Psalms 23
To protect a child or yourself, you can use these herbs on a blue candle with name and dob written on it or you can make this into a mojo bag. Simply use Caraway seeds, yellow mustard seeds and angelica root along with hair from the top of the head and toe nail clippings and place into a mojo bag. You can also grind up the herbs to use on a blue candle and place in their bedroom. This can be done for you as well. Be sure to pray one or all of the Psalms over the mojo/candle. If your grandmother is deceased, a picture of her can be placed by the candle or the mojo for added protection as in "She's looking over you". You can also take a picture of the Grandmother and place behind pictures of yourself and your loved ones, anointed with the oil. This is where she "has your back" and looking after you.
~I make no guarantees and products are sold as a curio only~