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When the Cards Speak: Overcoming Tarot's Toughest Messages


When you're doing tarot readings, especially when you're deeply connected to the African American Hoodoo tradition, predicting negative outcomes can be unsettling. The cards, with all their deep symbolism, sometimes reveal hard truths or challenges that neither you nor the querent want to face. This can leave you feeling powerless, as if the future is full of unavoidable difficulties.

The Weight of Negative Predictions

  • Emotional Burden: Seeing negative outcomes in a reading can be heavy. You might feel responsible for sharing news that could cause worry or distress.

  • Sense of Responsibility: As a tarot reader, particularly in Hoodoo, there's a strong urge to guide and support. Predicting something negative can feel like you're handing down a harsh judgment rather than offering helpful advice, which can create inner conflict.

  • Powerlessness and Doubt: Even experienced readers can feel powerless when faced with negative cards. Doubts about the reading’s accuracy or how to change the outcome can creep in.

  • Disconnect from Ancestral Wisdom: In Hoodoo, we often lean on the wisdom of our ancestors. Negative outcomes can make us feel disconnected from their guidance and protection.

Practical Advice and Spiritual Guidance

Tarot Perspective:

  • Reframe the Reading: Remember, tarot shows possible paths, not fixed fates. A negative outcome reflects current energies and choices. Look for ways to change the situation.

  • Empower through Awareness: Knowing about a potential problem gives you the power to act. Focus on cards that offer solutions, like The Magician (resources) or Strength (resilience).

  • Balance the Reading: If the reading is too negative, draw more cards for advice or actions to take. This can bring hope and balance.

  • Set Clear Intentions: Before you start, set an intention for the highest good. This can help shape the reading in a more constructive direction.

Hoodoo Perspective:

  • Spiritual Protection: If the reading shows external threats, consider a protection ritual. Use protective herbs like rue or sage, and prayers like Psalms 91 or 23.

  • Transform the Energy: Hoodoo teaches that we can change our circumstances. If you see a negative outcome, do a spell to shift the energy. A honey jar can sweeten a situation, or a reversal candle can send negativity back.

  • Call on Ancestors: Turn to your ancestors for support. Light a candle on your altar, say prayers, and ask for their help in overcoming challenges.

  • Rootwork for Change: Use rootwork to address the issue. For financial problems, make a money-drawing mojo bag or do a road-opening spell to clear the path.

  • Meditate and Reflect: Spend time in meditation to connect with yourself and your guides. This can help you process the emotions from the reading and regain a sense of control.

Turning Negative Energy into Positive Outcomes

  • Use Affirmations: Counter negative energy with positive affirmations. If the reading predicts loss, affirm abundance and protection.

  • Create a Vision Board: Visualize what you want instead of what you fear. A vision board can help you focus on manifesting positive outcomes.

  • Practice Gratitude: Focus on what’s going well in your life. Gratitude shifts your energy from worry to positivity.

  • Seek Community Support: Reach out to your spiritual community for strength and perspective. Whether through prayer circles or just talking, community can provide valuable support.

By combining tarot and Hoodoo practices, you can navigate the emotions that come with predicting negative outcomes, empower yourself to make positive changes, and turn challenging energy into opportunities for growth and success. Remember, both tarot and Hoodoo are tools that help you actively engage with the spiritual and material worlds. You have the power to shape your path and guide others toward healing and fulfillment.

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